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Friday, October 26, 2012

Spa Water

A couple of years ago my husband (Chris) and I traveled to North Carolina for a much needed weekend of rest and relaxation.  We stayed at a popular spa resort and my favorite thing from the entire weekend was the FABULOUS SPA WATER they served there.  It tasted so fresh and so clean! 

When I received my position as the Food and Nutrition Manager at Daves Creek, I knew I wanted to treat our teachers and staff to the same wonderful water.  Here are some of the recipes we use:

Flavored Water: 3 Ways recipe pictures

Water can be flavored with any combinations of fruit and herbs.  We have also used ruby red grapefruit and mint which was delicious.  Use any of the recipes above or google "Flavored Waters".  Enjoy the fresh treat!


  1. Wow! Spa water is so YUMMY!

  2. The spa water is delicious and we love the special treat! It brightens our day when April sends an email telling us what special flavor we have for the day!!

  3. Such a delightful treat!!

  4. Wow! The spa water is fab!
    Really brightens up my day with it's clean and refreshing flavors.
    Thanks for making for making us feel special

    Laurie Daly

  5. I love April's spa water. My fave is cilantro and lime...crisp and fresh! Thanks for taking such great care of us!

    Ginger Mixon

  6. April makes Friday a special day for us. The spa water is a wonderful, healthy way to wrap up our week!

  7. We look forward all week to the wonderful "spa" waters that April spoils us with! Everything she does shouts that she loves her job and is happy to be here with us. Thanks April!

  8. I look forward to the spa water all week! I really appreciate the extra effort and it really does add so much to my Friday. April, we need to send you off to the spa after all of your hard work!

  9. Thanks April for always thinking of others. The spa water is just one way that you and your staff go above and beyond.Thanks for all that you do!

  10. The Citrus Cucumber water is my favorite! Thanks for posting the recipe, April!

  11. April's spa water lifts the moral of the school!! It makes Friday fun and the teachers feel special:)
