"Act as if what you do makes a difference. BECAUSE IT DOES!"

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Congratulations NAC Art Club Contest Winners

Congratulations to Ria Kaimal in Mrs. Daise’s class and Hannah Sundar in Mrs. Freyman’s class for their winning entries!!  They will move on to our District Competition next weekend. 

Smoothies ROCK!

We introduced Smoothies to our students this month!  They are super healthy and absolutely delicious! Pictured are students and staff enjoying our taste testers.

Community Involvement - Going Orange!

Forsyth County Food and Nutrition has joined forces with the "Food For Thought" Organization!  During the month of March we collected 517.3 pounds of food that will go to benefit needy families in our county.  To learn more about their organization look them up on Facebook.