"Act as if what you do makes a difference. BECAUSE IT DOES!"

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fruits and Veggies

Forsyth County lunches have always focused on offering a variety of fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables.  This year the new meal pattern will require every lunch meal sold to have a serving of vegetable or fruit.  Lots of choices will be available daily to meet this requirement.

New requirements to offer key sub-groups of vegetables that pack a punch in nutrients and anti-oxidants for growing healthy, smart kids will be implemented.  Menus will feature weekly servings of red/dark orange vegetables in the form of many delicious foods and new recipes.  Students will find more dark green and leafy vegetable choices, too.  Our salads have always been a combination of healthy romaine lettuce and baby spinach, but this year we will pilot using locally-grown, hydroponic lettuce for our salads and sandwiches.  Kids at all levels will have the chance to sample and enjoy cooked greens as well. 

Our students and staff love the new hydroponic lettuce!  Not only is it fabulous for us but it tastes so yummy as well! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And the Winner is.....

Our 2nd grade classrooms were given the challenge of making Breakfast Posters to encourage others to eat breakfast with us.  The challenge was to advertise what we serve in an artistic and colorful manner.  All of our 2nd grade classrooms participated.  We picked out the top 25 submissions and then placed those to a silent ballet vote.  Members of our cafeteria team and administration voted on the submissions and we awarded our top 4 artists with Art Kits provided by a vendor.  The children were presented their new kits on the Daves Creek Morning News.  Their posters are now on display in the hallway outside the cafeteria!

Congratulations!  Great Job!

Constitution Day

On Monday, September 17th we celebrated Constitution Day! 

Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who, are born in the U.S.or by naturalization, have become citizens.

We added to the celebration at Daves Creek Elementary with decorations and themed treats!

We made Red, White and Blue Fruit Medley for the children to enjoy!

We decorated our lines and condiment tables for the day!

Our teachers took part in the celebration
and we treated them to "Spa Water" flavored with watermelon, lime and blueberries.

Fun was had by all - Happy Constitution Day!